Friday, May 13, 2016

Time is winding down

Hey Everyone,

First off I would like to wish a happy Mother's day to everyone especially my mom!

It was great talking to my family on skype yesterday. It's so strange to think I'll be home in 3 short months. Time has gone by so fast. On one hand I never want to leave my mission and on the other, I'm excited to come home and head up to BYU to start the next chapter of my life.

This week was pretty good. It wasn't the most successful week but we had some good things happen. Tuesday night, Elder Fuller and I got to make salad for a Multi-Zone Conference. We went to a members house and some sisters helped us cut lettuce, grate carrots, and slice cucumbers. We probably made like 10 pounds of salad. IT was really good. Definitely the best part of the whole meal. 

Saturday night, we got to eat with a couple. The wife is an inactive member and her husband is Catholic and from the Marquesas islands. When we got there, her husband was just slightly drunk. He has a long ponytail and a giant beard. The food was really good and we had a fun conversation. It turns out that, the husband is very smart and he had some really good religion questions. We discussed the Joseph Smith story and even though he was slightly drunk, he understood it very well. We'll see him again this week. His daughter, who's an active member, was very happy because this is the first time he's accepted the lessons. We'll see what happens. 

We also had a lesson with a new investigator named Olivier and his wife Fanny. We had a really good lesson about the Restoration. The husband is a little interesting but he's really nice. His wife I believe will be our best potential. She already knows its true because she came to church when she was younger. 

Anyways, Thats about it! Happy Mother's Day again! See y'all next week!

Elder Cole Porter

Me and elder fuller with some investigators.
Me, chopping lettuce. I just noticed that sister is watching me very intently. She's not sure of my skills!
Picture nonsense!!!


Hey everyone,

So this week went by pretty fast. Papi Tepa our new convert is doing awesome. He was ordained a priest yesterday. It was amazing!

On Thursday I went and did splits with Elder Thia at Papara. It was really fun! We had some pretty cool lessons. We talked to one sister named Raff. She had the most adorable children! If I see them again, which I probably will, I'm going to take a picture with them. We had a pretty cool lesson with two young couples. We talked about marriage and chastity and they really liked it. That night, Elder Fuller and I had to drop off a bike and suitcases of an elder that goings to the Marquises islands this week. It was pretty late at night and we got soaked because it was pouring rain and we had to stop and tie down the bike several times because it kept falling over. It was exciting to say the least.

Saturday, Elder Fuller and I had an interesting experience. We were trying to teach some kids and behind us there was a group of adults who were drunk out of their minds. They had been drinking for about 7 hours. So while we were teaching, one of the drunk guys came over and crouched down in front of us and then started babbling nonsense about religion. He kept touching my leg and he spat in my face multiple times, on accident, but still super gross. I consider myself a nice gentle person but I wanted to hurt this dude. We finally got him to go away, but then another drunk dude came over. This guy wasn't as drunk but still. He was an inactive member from Ahe. We told him to drop the beer and leave but he wouldn't. He told us we didn't understand because we were too young. As we were trying to get him to go away when the first drunk guy came back. At this point, I was really fed up so Elder Fuller and I left and just went home to calm down. 

Alright so I usually don't go off on schpeels during my letters but this experience had a very large effect on me. There was at least 4 or 5 adults drinking and they were all parents and they had their kids there with them. This made me so sad. They sat around all day smoking and drinking and negelcting their kids. It's so hard not get angry. I kind of understand how Alma felt when he talks about wanting the voice of an angel. I felt the same way. I wanted to yell at these parents! I wanted them to see what they were doing to their children. I understand a little bit more the verse where Jesus says its better for someone to drown in the ocean than to hurt a child. I understand just a little bit more of how he feels when parents neglect or abuse their children. 

This experience made me appreciate so much more the parents I have. I know I took them for granted. I know that I didn't understand or appreciate how blessed I am to have the parents I have. Its hard to describe but I'm very grateful for parents that raised me well, that weren't perfect but did the best they could. I'm grateful for parents who never give up in life and never give up on me. And I'm grateful for parents who knew how to say NO and didn't let me do stupid things. I see so many teenagers here who do nothing but smoke and drink and steal. And I wish with all my soul that they would wake up and hear our teachings and realize what true happiness is and can be! In the end though, all we can do is show love, extend the hand of fellowship and keep teaching to anyone who will listen. My heart is full. 

I love you all! have a good week. Talk to you Sunday!

Elder Cole Porter

Random pic. We had to sing in church. This is our practice. I'm the second to the end on the far right.
Zone conference
Me being the "French" translator because our senior couple instructors only spoke English.

Faith is like a little seed

Hey Everyone,

So this week was awesome. 

For starters, two investigators that I taught in Pirae, Taaroa and Bertie, were baptized on Saturday. I had the pleasure of baptizing Bertie. It was an amazing experience. I'm so happy that they made it to the waters of baptism. And I got to see a lot of people that I haven't seen for awhile. 
We also had the baptism of Papi Tepa on saturday it was equally amazing...or as we sometimes say in French but not really " C'était formidable." He bore a really special testimony afterwards. Something funny happened too...we told him to make sure he says "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen at the end. Or in tahitian "Na roto i te i'oa o Iesu Mesia, Amene." So when he got up he said, "I'ora'na i te mau taeae e te mau tuahine, na roto i te i'oa o Iesu Mesia, amene" which means " Hello Brothers and Sisters, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen." I dont think he understood exactly what we meant...but it didn't matter, he went on ti bear his testimony and it was very good...he also finished his testimony correctly. Sometimes Tahitians are really funny. 

We taught a lot of investigators about scriptures this week. We taught Robert and Kelly yesterday about the Book of Mormon. Robert is the guy that had a dream about the Book of Mormon but they still haven't read or prayed. The problem is that Robert has a hard time believing in Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon...but he does have a desire to believe. So we talked to him about Alma 32 and about how, now that he has the seed planted in his heart he has to water it to see if it will grow and the only way to water the seed of faith is to read and pray. They finally understood and hopefully they'll put their belief into action!

anyways thats about it! I love you all have a good week!!!!
Elder Cole Porter

Baptizing Bertie
Me, papi tepa, elder fuller
The party after papi tepa' baptism.
The view from an investigators house.