Tuesday, September 8, 2015


So this week was pretty cool! Monday we had a Family Home Evening at the temple with 3 investigators. Its a couple named Taaroa and Bertie and Davis (the nephew of Bertie). We talked about prophets and we watched a couple of Mormon Messages. It was the first time we had a lesson with Davis. We gave him a Book of Mormon and fixed a lesson with him for the next day. So then on Tuesday we saw him again and he had already read 13 chapters in the book Of mormon. WHAT? and he understood it all too. He told us he wants to get baptized and serve a mission. It was super cool. 

Then Wednesday he had another lesson with Taaroa and Bertie. We wanted to fix their marriage and baptism for the first week in October. They were actually excited and they agreed to get married on the 2nd. However, Bertie's mom, who's a Sanito (remember I told you all that a "sanito" is someone that's a member of the Re-organized church of Jesus Christ. They do not have anything to do with our church) anyway, she is really against her Bertie's baptism so she was scared and wanted to push the baptism back till December. Sunday we took them into our bishops office after church and we had a big discussion. Bishop LAcombe calmed their fears and they agreed to get married the soonest possible which is probably next week or the week after. Heno and I were super stoked! 

​We were also able to contact an excommunicated member named Jean-Ives. He was really hesitant at first to talk to us because we were so young. We did a FHE with him and the stake president a few weeks back and he said we could stop by again. So Friday we went and visited him and he was super excited to see us. We talked for a bit and then HE asked US when we could come back...​that never happens!!! He told us he likes us alot and that he's comfortable around us. Its really amazing watching the spirit work in peoples lives! 

Well i love you all!!! Have a good week!!

Elder Porter 

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