Monday, May 25, 2015


Hey Everybody! Hows it going? Everything's good here in Rangiroa! This week was busy and crazy fun! Elder Palombo and I worked really hard and we were able to fix 3 baptisms. We had an awesome week!
We had a lesson with one investigator and he wants to get baptized but he needs to get married first. Him and his girlfriend were hesitant at first and wanted to get married next year. We told him that he needs to get married as soon as possible so he can receive the blessings of baptism. He felt the Spirit really strong and decided that he wanted to get married on August 14, his sons birthday. It's amazing how the spirit can move you to action.
We had a lesson with Teanuanua, an 18 year old soccer player. We had our first lesson with him 2 weeks ago. He immediately knew it was true and when we met with him for another lesson yesterday, he told us he read the book of mormon every morning and night since the first lesson. He also told us he quit drinking beer. We hadn't even discussed the word of wisdom with him yet,  but he decided on his own that he wanted to quit so he did!!! And he agreed to baptism yesterday! such a cool investigator!
Friday we were at the other part of Rangiroa and we ran into a German tourist. He started talking to us about things to see here on the island and then he asked us about our Church. He said he's been traveling for two years and that he lived in Bolivia for awhile so he speaks Spanish. He told us that he tried to take the missionary lessons there in Bolivia but the missionaries couldn't come to his house. The whole time we were talking to him we were talking in English. It was so difficult. I haven't spoke English in 6 months. I said "like" like a billion times. I could just imagine President Pugmire standing there and shaking his head every time I said it. He was very curious and he said that he was going to look up Mormon.organd take lessons when he returned to Germany. It was a super cool experience.

I had a phone interview with president Bize last night and he said I'll probably stay on Rangiroa until September. Partly because the work is going so great here on this tiny island and because our two investigators asked me to baptize them in August. AND partly because our two little branches need me to play piano for them every Sunday. YES, my mom was right! I can't tell you how many times I'd  start to complain about practicing piano and she'd say "Honey...someday when you're on your mission you'll be grateful you know how to play". Thanks mom!

Remember a few weeks ago how I told you one of our investigators promised to make us Fugu (blowfish) for dinner? It's a poisonous fish, but they have a secret family recipe. Well, they made it for us. It was delicious!!! Here's the before and after pictures....
Fugu before it's cooked.
Fugu after. It doesn't look pretty but it was delicious!!

Love you all!
Elder Porter

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