Monday, July 20, 2015

New comp and new bike seat!

So this week was interesting. Tuesday Elder Jessop and I were out teaching and proselyting when we got a phone call from the assistants. We were told that we were recieving a new comp. His name is Elder Garbutt and he's from Tahiti. He's supposed to go to Australia on his mission but he's waitng for his visa. So he's gonna stay with us till he gets his visa. It was actually very fortunate that he showed up because Elder Jessop got a really bad infection. 3 weeks ago he got an operation for his ingrown toenail. However, it got really infected. The day Elder Garbutt arrived is the day it was hurting him the worst.  Elder jessop has to take it easy for a week or two till it starts Healing normally again. So Elder Garbutt and I have taught a lot of lessons this week and it's been awesome working with him. His English is really good so we speak English to each other so he can practice for Australia. 

        Also, I seem to have the worst luck with bikes!!! I broke my bike seat on tuesday and I called the         couple in charge of bikes and they came to get me a new one...but while they were on their way to get one for me they stopped by their house and they were moving something and they found a perfectly new seat exactly like mine behind a box...​so i thought that was pretty cool.

We had just one interesting lesson this week. We have been teaching two sisters named Orinella and Vaiata. They both have a testimony that this Church is true but they have a hard time letting the things of this world go. So we had a lesson with one of the sisters, Vaiata. We asked her how she was doing and the first thing she told us was that " I have chosen the world"....and I was like "what?" and then she said..."you guys told me that I can either chose God and Christ or the world and Satan. I choose the world and Satan. I am using my free agency"...and then I told her that in choosing the world she forfeits the help and blessings of heaven and that her life will get harder. She understands but she's just too lazy or scared or prideful to let go. We didn't really know how to help her so we asked for one more lesson with her and her sister and we invited President Bize to come. We are going to see if he can help us make a difference in the way they think.

This week I studied the Old Testament Institute study book. It was awesome. I loved reading about the symbolism in the Mosaic law. It showed me that all things point to Christ. It drew deep symbolism from the sacrifices at the altar to the Atonement of Jesus Christ. One part talked about what the "mercy seat" means in hebrew. It means "where mercy happens or where the Atonement happens or where the sins of man and god meet". And then the book talks about how Christ is a mercy seat and that Christ is where the sins of man and the Love of God meet to form an Atonement. I'm grateful for the Atonement and the chance it gives us to start again. I love you all!!!

HAve a great week!!!

Orometua Porter

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